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Innovation in Public Services

what we do
Service Innovation Training

Innovate public services through human-centred design

Housing Authority

Housing is a hot topic in most countries and Hong Kong is no exception. As a city with 3.3 million (almost 45% of the population) in public housing and a current waiting period of more than 5 years to get into a rental flat, the Hong Kong Housing Authority faces big challenges in addressing this social issue.

Sharing this experience with Housing Authority, we challenged participants to see public space from the eyes of the citizens, to understand the true meaning of “community” and to envision with citizens the possibilities for the future of housing.


Our Impact:

  • We trained 40 senior Housing Authority staff in 2019 through the Advanced Leadership Programme
  • 97% of participants rated the training 4 or 5 out of 5 for overall effectiveness
  • Due to the success of this programme, we have been invited back to hold training for the 2020 Advanced Leadership Programme

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