An Exciting Addition to Good Lab’s Senior Management Team

An Exciting Addition to Good Lab’s Senior Management Team

We are proud to welcome Rachel Yan as our new Chief of Staff and announce William Sin’s appointment as Head of Community Innovation at Good Lab.

Rachel and William each bring over a decade of experience spearheading impact-driven innovation projects at the intersection of civil society, government, business, and academia in Hong Kong. 

A multi-faceted change leader and project director, Rachel has held management roles in multinational corporations including Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts and Globalscan, a global research and insight consultancy, steering Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability strategies. Her expertise spans beyond strategy consulting into cross-sector stakeholder management, cultural research, and social innovation. She served as a senior research officer at the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority before co-founding the Jockey Club Make a Difference Social Lab–Hong Kong’s first community-initiated public service innovation lab, where she ran multiple projects in collaboration with government departments such as the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and the Transport Department.

“Public-social innovation is a fast-developing field. There are huge opportunities to create and set new standards,” says Rachel. “I’m excited to bring in more strategic and big picture thinking to the way Good Lab develops and runs our projects across sectors.”

William came into Good Lab with over ten years of experience developing community-related projects. He spent the early part of his career in academia, conducting various community research projects, which naturally led him to undertake the role as Research Director at the Hong Kong Public Space Initiatives as well as founding a social innovation start-up to advocate for age-friendly urban design.

“Good Lab plays a unique role in the impact ecosystem as a key driver of cross-sector collaboration,” William adds. As a firm believer in collective intelligence, empowerment, and the co-creation of solutions, he hopes to build on Good Lab’s network and resources to ignite imagination within communities. “Together with the team, we can make our city a little different, a little better.”

“The leadership roles we are announcing will strengthen our senior management team and support the momentum we have with respect to our strategic priorities .”

Working closely with Good Lab’s CEO Warren and the team, Rachel and William will help support Good Lab’s mission to transform our society for the better by co-creating people-centred solutions through cross-sector collaborations.

Rachel will play a key role in formulating Good Lab’s strategic direction, building team capability aligned with our goals, identifying potential synergies and brokering cross-sector partnerships to create social values. William will focus on further establishing Good Lab’s leading position in community-led innovation and design. He will take the lead to pioneer new ways of community engagement and plug the power of citizens back into places, services, and institutions.

“The leadership roles we are announcing will strengthen our senior management team and support the momentum we have with respect to our strategic priorities: pioneering new possibilities in social and public sector innovation,” said Warren. “As we look forward to more innovative projects in the pipeline, we are deploying exceptional talents in critical roles to ensure Good Lab continues to create values for our partners across sectors, the impact ecosystem, and society at large.”

The appointment comes at an exciting time for Good Lab as it approaches its 10th anniversary. Tapping into the depth and strength of our leadership team, we are thrilled to continue to push through boundaries and create lasting impact made possible by Design Thinking, community participation, and unusual alliances.

Watch this space for more exciting projects from Good Lab.