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Franco愛以大自然為靈感,專注為人提供想像、創造和合成不同構思的土壤,以克服他們最關心的社會議題。 他渴望幫助人們感到更有意識,敏感,及有能力完成他們所面臨的任何挑戰。
正如城市理論家Jane Jacob所主張「一個能夠提供所有人一些價值的城市,只會是因為她是由所有人一同創造。」因此Pun堅信城市中每個人都有能力想像並實踐更美好的城市和公共生活。
Pun畢業於香港中文大學,主修城市研究,副修社會學,及後取得香港大學城市規劃理學碩士。在加入Good Lab前,Pun曾參與有關基層醫療的倡議;亦在公營機構參與過規劃工作,關注城市可持續發展。在此過程中,Pun理解到新科技、概念與大環境正衝擊著人們理解與改造城市的固有方法。因此,Pun致力於探索城市及空間發展的新途徑和可能性,促進更具包容性和可持續性的城市發展與規劃方式在香港發生。Pun相信,只有當每個市民都有機會備受尊重地參與其中,我們才能創造足夠的韌性回應正在到來的城市挑戰。
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a future-oriented think-and-do tank for social innovation. We bring together government, businesses, and civil society to work on societal issues concerning the future of Hong Kong. We’re all about fostering co-creation, understanding future trends, and coming up with innovative ideas to make our city fairer, more inclusive, and just.
We’re good at getting people from different walks of life to engage in meaningful conversations for positive change in communities. Whether they’re local residents, recent graduates, or professionals like engineers and architects, we believe everyone can contribute to making our society better. That’s why we encourage dialogues, value diverse viewpoints, and work towards forming consensus.
Acting as an intermediary, we connect unusual allies from different sectors, using Design Thinking as a tool to facilitate innovative co-creation — from designing public spaces in the most unconventional places to re-imagining public and social services of the future. Our impact was recognised with the 2022 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award.
We know that our city’s future lies in the hands of our talent. Therefore, we also focus on building the capacity of the next generation of changemakers. We curate training and incubation programmes to help social purpose organisations scale while guiding young people toward careers that make a difference in the society.
As we look forward, we’re eager to keep spreading good ideas and co-creating good actions to bring about real, enduring change.
About the Job
We are looking for a Finance Officer, who is interested in the social innovation and non-profit field. The exposure of this Officer is holistic, as this is a small organization that believes in mutual support. Specific duties are:
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Applications with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
Max 喜歡聆聽大城市的小故事,觀察不同人物,了解他們不同需要。因為他深信「以人為本」的社會設計,方可推動社會的健康發展。
Max曾在Good Lab好單位工作接近六年,曾經策動不同的社會和公共領域創新項目,與社區人士和持份者攜手合作,共同創造以用戶為中心的解決方案。再次加入Good Lab好單位前,Max曾於大學在大學和社區推動創變思維,和商業機構任職培訓工作和可持續發展的工作。
We are now looking for an Innovation Associate to support our expanding and exciting array of new projects and partnerships.
About the Role – Innovation Associate
Candidates with more than five (5) years of relevant experience may be considered for a Senior Innovation Associate position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Applications with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a future-oriented think-and-do tank for social innovation. We bring together government, businesses, and civil society to work on societal issues concerning the future of Hong Kong. We’re all about fostering co-creation, understanding future trends, and coming up with innovative ideas to make our city fairer, more inclusive, and just.
We’re good at getting people from different walks of life to engage in meaningful conversations for positive change in communities. Whether they’re local residents, recent graduates, or professionals like engineers and architects, we believe everyone can contribute to making our society better. That’s why we encourage dialogues, value diverse viewpoints, and work towards forming consensus.
Acting as an intermediary, we connect unusual allies from different sectors, using Design Thinking as a tool to facilitate innovative co-creation — from designing public spaces in the most unconventional places to re-imagining public and social services of the future. Our impact was recognised with the 2022 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award.
We know that our city’s future lies in the hands of our talent. Therefore, we also focus on building the capacity of the next generation of changemakers. We curate training and incubation programmes to help social purpose organisations scale while guiding young people toward careers that make a difference in the society.
As we look forward, we’re eager to keep spreading good ideas and co-creating good actions to bring about real, enduring change.
Tom畢業於浸會大學中文系,這四年學習生涯使其萌生對人文精神的憧憬,加上過往的編採經歷,令他期待加入Good Lab後能收集大衆的聲音,讓彼此的意見共鳴,建立互信的基礎,解決未來的問題。
英國人類學家 Tim Ingold 認為,世界的紋理都是由線所組成。人的生命也是一樣,我們彼此糾纏編織成結。Ellis 渴望在如今疏離的社會,透過微細的創造,重新建立人與人之間互信的羈絆。
Ellis 畢業於香港中文大學文化研究學士課程。中大的學習經歷和記者的工作經驗,讓他更能夠同理社會的不同個體。及後,Ellis 到國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所修讀碩士課程,研讀都市空間有關的議題,包括性別友善、文化遺產、參與式規劃等。兩年臺灣的經驗,讓他領會到異質多元的社會,更需要眾人用心努力維繫。
Ellis 加入 Good Lab 後,期待與更多同路人,營造出更好的香港。
Fredy 畢業於香港理工大學,一直以來,他抱持着「使人相信希望並帶來改變」的信念。他曾在一間私營醫療機構擔任傳訊工作,推廣「健康公平」,並透過文字紀錄「以人為本」醫療服務改寫生命的故事。 他亦曾赴台灣從事教育工作,更參與當地青年更生計劃,為當地的更生青年策劃活動,見證更生青年蛻變成年輕領袖的實例。在台的經歷讓他看到青年充權的重要性,同時啟發了其對公民社會和社區參與的好奇和想像。
Fredy 現時在 Good Lab 主要負責青年項目,他希望其跨界別、跨地域的職涯背景和洞察能為香港社會創新工作帶來更多火花和可能性。他期待連繫來自不同界別的有心人,為青年帶來更多創變的機會。公餘時,Fredy 熱心於義工服務,在非牟利機構為有需要人士提供情緒支援。他同時亦會參與靜觀、星象研究等活動。
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a future-oriented think-and-do tank for social innovation. We bring together government, businesses, and civil society to work on societal issues concerning the future of Hong Kong. We’re all about fostering co-creation, understanding future trends, and coming up with innovative ideas to make our city fairer, more inclusive, and just.
We’re good at getting people from different walks of life to engage in meaningful conversations for positive change in communities. Whether they’re local residents, recent graduates, or professionals like engineers and architects, we believe everyone can contribute to making our society better. That’s why we encourage dialogues, value diverse viewpoints, and work towards forming consensus.
Acting as an intermediary, we connect unusual allies from different sectors, using Design Thinking as a tool to facilitate innovative co-creation — from designing public spaces in the most unconventional places to re-imagining public and social services of the future. Our impact was recognised with the 2022 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award.
We know that our city’s future lies in the hands of our talent. Therefore, we also focus on building the capacity of the next generation of changemakers. We curate training and incubation programmes to help social purpose organisations scale while guiding young people toward careers that make a difference in the society.
As we look forward, we’re eager to keep spreading good ideas and co-creating good actions to bring about real, enduring change.
About the Job
We are looking for a Finance & Admin Officer, who is interested in the social innovation and non-profit field. The exposure of this Officer is holistic, as this is a small organization that believes in mutual support. Specific duties are:
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Applications with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a future-oriented think-and-do tank for social innovation. We bring together government, businesses, and civil society to work on societal issues concerning the future of Hong Kong. We’re all about fostering co-creation, understanding future trends, and coming up with innovative ideas to make our city fairer, more inclusive, and just.
We’re good at getting people from different walks of life to engage in meaningful conversations for positive change in communities. Whether they’re local residents, recent graduates, or professionals like engineers and architects, we believe everyone can contribute to making our society better. That’s why we encourage dialogues, value diverse viewpoints, and work towards forming consensus.
Acting as an intermediary, we connect unusual allies from different sectors, using Design Thinking as a tool to facilitate innovative co-creation — from designing public spaces in the most unconventional places to re-imagining public and social services of the future. Our impact was recognised with the 2022 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award.
We know that our city’s future lies in the hands of our talent. Therefore, we also focus on building the capacity of the next generation of changemakers. We curate training and incubation programmes to help social purpose organisations scale while guiding young people toward careers that make a difference in the society.
As we look forward, we’re eager to keep spreading good ideas and co-creating good actions to bring about real, enduring change.
About the Job
We are now looking for a Project Manager / Project Officer to join our team and help manage our exciting array of community engagement and capacity building projects.
About the Role – Project Manager / Project Officer
We are seeking a forward-looking individual who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. The ideal candidate will be outgoing, comfortable with leading small teams, and skilled in facilitating workshops. This person gets to set the tone of how the project team engages with its stakeholders, ranging from young people and seniors within the community to professionals such as engineers, social workers, civil servants, among others.
More importantly, we need this person to be able to learn novel topics or concepts quickly, while flexing creative muscles to design and execute community engagement activities and capacity building programmes – with the aim to spark new thinking about the future of our city and to facilitate co-creation tailored to meet people’s evolving needs.
Candidates with less experience, i.e., at least two (2) years of relevant experience, may be considered for a Project Officer position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Applications with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a future-oriented think-and-do tank for social innovation. We bring together government, businesses, and civil society to work on societal issues concerning the future of Hong Kong. We’re all about fostering co-creation, understanding future trends, and coming up with innovative ideas to make our city fairer, more inclusive, and just.
We’re good at getting people from different walks of life to engage in meaningful conversations for positive change in communities. Whether they’re local residents, recent graduates, or professionals like engineers and architects, we believe everyone can contribute to making our society better. That’s why we encourage dialogues, value diverse viewpoints, and work towards forming consensus.
Acting as an intermediary, we connect unusual allies from different sectors, using Design Thinking as a tool to facilitate innovative co-creation — from designing public spaces in the most unconventional places to re-imagining public and social services of the future. Our impact was recognised with the 2022 Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award.
We know that our city’s future lies in the hands of our talent. Therefore, we also focus on building the capacity of the next generation of changemakers. We curate training and incubation programmes to help social purpose organisations scale while guiding young people toward careers that make a difference in the society.
As we look forward, we’re eager to keep spreading good ideas and co-creating good actions to bring about real, enduring change.
About the Job
We are looking for an Admin & Finance Manager to establish and maintain effective administrative systems and financial control within our organisation and support our day-to-day office operations and finance management.
Your Role as Admin & Finance Manager
Applicants with less experience may be considered for the position of Admin & Finance Officer.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Applications with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
過去 15 年,Ada 致力於商業和非營利機構的工作場所中推動多元和包容(Diversity & Inclusion)。
Ada 在人力資源管理方面擁有豐富的經驗,為企業提供招聘諮詢,並舉辦工作坊,提升企業對殘障就業方面的認知。加入Good Lab 之前,Ada 更在社創機構帶領其團隊策劃前膽而可持續的職業發展計劃,為擁有高等及專上學歷的殘疾或特殊教育需要人士提供事業職涯發展支援。
Ada 帶著這改變社區的熱誠、項目與持份者管理的專業知識及技能來到 Good Lab,希望在更多領域推動社會創新。
Ada 在香港浸會大學取得市場營銷主修的工商管理學士學位。在工作之外,她也是一位職涯教練,亦營運回收服務機構,為社區和青年提供乾淨的二手西裝。
About Good Lab
Good Lab is an award-winning, non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centered design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect diverse minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programs to build capacity for change and address complex social issues faced by our society, particularly in community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation by leveraging Design Thinking. Prioritising people and fostering dialogue is at the core of our work, as we believe this is the key to co-creating a more sustainable and improved future.
We are currently seeking a Project Officer (Research), on a contract basis, to support our expanding and exciting range of new projects and partnerships.
About The Role – Project Officer (Research)
As a social researcher at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following—researching on the subjects of museum management and social innovation, providing the project team with insights into the areas and identifying, outreaching to and conducting research at external information sources, including but not limited to scholars and community members…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands-on in every stage of the project and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city and how it can be better designed and run for the people living and working here.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment with it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want someone comfortable working within small teams to drive the delivery of consulting projects in the social and public sectors. This person gets to compile and maintain research findings as written reports, briefing notes and related documentation to support the project team in making informed decisions. Most importantly, we need this person to be a changemaker with a collaborative mindset who is always willing to flex the creative muscles to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Responsibilities as Project Officer – Our Social Researcher
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with the current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Applications with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
Phoebe 生活在香港這個大城市,眼見社會充斥著各種問題,卻不知道該如何著手解決。
然而,大學為她打開了一扇尋找答案的窗口。Phoebe 於香港浸會大學主修人文及創作系,在學期間得以廣泛閱讀、學習和反思,其學習範圍涵蓋文學、哲學、藝術、性別、媒體理論、文化論述、城市空間及設計等。
她覺悟到,要為社會帶來真正的改變,必先跳出書本和理論框架,親身投入和參與社區工作。為此,Phoebe 曾於媒體機構中擔任實習編輯,探究世界各地值得反思和討論的議題。她亦於不同文化藝術機構實習。由始至終,她緊抱一個信念:有人生活的地方就一定有解決問題的方法,社會才會在大家的合作和創變中成為我們理想的模樣。
社會有時候會令人洩氣,她是一組無情的機械、自私的森林、會吃人的家庭。Leo 向來樂於抱怨,他總覺得,責罵一輪之後心情就會舒暢了。在新聞系裡翻書好幾年後,他發現自己可以為這個討人厭的社會做更多。
Leo 驚覺社會創新與設計思維可能就是讓市民喜愛上這社區的關鍵。問題並不是一日間湧現的,社區問題難以解決但不至無可救藥,對付老毛病可以靠新方法。要改善社區上不友善之處,最好能夠親身聆聽市民訴苦,從他們的罵聲中,找出能喚起社區各種可能的語句;如果他們願意的話,何不讓他們也共同執起繪畫社會的畫筆?社會正是如此不完美,才值得我們共同去托展邊界。Leo 公餘喜歡看電影,讀漫畫,近日正苦惱該如何學好攝影。
Clarice是香港中文大學社會科學學士,修讀地理與資源管理學,本科的訓練令她深入地理解到許多與環境和資源分配相關的議題。她深信要有人文關懷和前瞻眼界才能為這些議題找出解決方法,促進社會持續發展。同時,Clarice 亦對文化保育方面有濃厚興趣,曾在課餘時間參與推廣本土文化的義工計劃,了解到香港更多不同的面貌。
平日Clarice喜歡透過看電影和遊走市內各處地方觀察人們的生活,刺激思考。雖然 Clarice 看似文靜,但她喜歡跟別人聊天、聆聽他們的故事,並因此參加了校內的學生 組織訪問不同的人,把每個人獨一無二的經歷輯錄成文,留下記錄。一人的力量縱使微小,但她希望可以從自身開始感染身邊的人,從而令更多人關心各種切身的議題,營造一個更美好的社會。
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a non-profit and award-winning social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to build capacity for change and tackle complex social issues faced by our society–particularly around community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Project Manager to manage our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships.
About The Role – Project Manager
As a social innovation consultant at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following—making phone calls to community members, dissecting information gathered from public engagement activities you designed and facilitated, researching new trends and perspectives in social innovation, co-creating actionable solutions with stakeholders to address community issues…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands-on in every stage of the projects and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city and how it can be better designed and run for the people living and working here.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want a person who is comfortable with managing small teams to plan and deliver consulting projects with a focus on the public and social sectors. This person gets to set the tone of how the project team engages with its stakeholders, ranging from youth and elderly to government agencies, as well as professional and NGO collaborators. Most importantly, we need this person to be able to articulate Good Lab’s vision for the project and flex creative muscles to implement it with the aim to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Role as Project Manager
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Project Officer position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a non-profit and award-winning social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to build capacity for change and tackle complex social issues faced by our society–particularly around community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Project Director to lead our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships.
About Project Director
As a social innovation consultant at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following—making phone calls to community members, dissecting information gathered from public engagement activities you designed and facilitated, researching new trends and perspectives in social innovation, co-creating actionable solutions with stakeholders to address community issues…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands-on in every stage of the projects and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city and how it can be better designed and run for the people living and working here.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want a person who is comfortable with managing small teams to plan and deliver consulting projects with a focus on the public and social sectors. This person gets to set the tone of how the project team engages with its stakeholders, ranging from youth and elderly to government agencies, as well as professional and NGO collaborators. Most importantly, we need this person to be able to articulate Good Lab’s vision for the project and flex creative muscles to implement it with the aim to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Role as Project Director – Our Project Leader
Applicants with less experience may be considered for a Senior Project Manager position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a non-profit and award-winning social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness of and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Project Director / Senior Project Manager to lead our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships.
About Project Director / Senior Project Manager
As a social innovation consultant at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following—making phone calls to community members, dissecting information gathered from public engagement activities you designed and facilitated, researching new trends and perspectives in social innovation, co-creating actionable solutions with stakeholders to address community issues…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands-on in every stage of the projects and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city and how it can be better designed and run for the people living and working here.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want a person who is comfortable with managing small teams to plan and deliver consulting projects with a focus on the public and social sectors. This person gets to set the tone of how the project team engages with its stakeholders, ranging from youth and elderly to government agencies, as well as professionals and NGO partners. Most importantly, we need this person to be able to articulate Good Lab’s vision for the project and flex creative muscles to implement it with the aim to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Role as Project Director / Senior Project Manager – Our Project Leader
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Senior Project Manager position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
Good Lab Internship Programme (GLIP) is 10 weeks of immersive learning experience and exposure to social innovation. We are looking for enthusiastic spirits with interest in supporting our social innovation projects and communications.
Role Description - Consulting Intern
Good Lab is looking for Consulting Intern(s) to be an integral part of our team to:
6 GLIP Highlights:
![]() ㅤㅤSocial Innovation Projectsㅤㅤ Providing you with real opportunities to work on social consulting projects and learn about Design Thinking. |
![]() Latest Social Innovation Trends & Knowledge Unparalleled access to GL’s thought leadership knowledge bank. Stay up to date on the latest social innovation trends and hot topics. |
![]() Enthusiastic Team & 1-on-1 Mentorship Collaborating with our multidisciplinary team of “do-ers” who are passionate about creating humanistic solutions to social issues. |
![]() Networking with Social Innovation Community Offering you networking opportunities with our Board members and other social innovators over luncheons and gatherings. |
![]() Self-initiated Impact Experiment Pitching your ideas of impact experiments to our team members and social innovation practitioners to get seed-money and kick-start your own mini project. |
![]() ㅤㅤDynamic Co-working Spaceㅤㅤ Working at a co-working space with an emphasis on well-being and free access to gym facilities and cultural events. |
Programme Details:
Hear More from Our Past Interns:
Ching The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Summer 2021) “The internship was a remarkably educational experience not only for the exposure to a real-life urban design project, but I was also provided a comfortable environment to express my opinions and experiment my ways of thinking and working.” |
Polly Ly The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Summer 2021) “Powerful and dynamic, the Good Lab team never fails to impress me with their visions, passion, and hard work in social innovation.” |
Nazahat Riaz The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Summer 2021) “All the skills I have learnt have definitely helped me in my current position. Most importantly I am happy to see myself contributing to the community!” |
Nam Yuen The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Summer 2020) “I particularly enjoyed the close-knitted relationship between the colleagues I felt that I am part of the Good Lab family as my opinions are often being valued” |
Tiffany Cheung The University of Hong Kong (Summer 2020) “I was able to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to take ownership of my own part of the project.” |
Yoyo Ho The University of Hong Kong (Summer 2020) “Joining Good Lab was a valuable learning journey, during which I was exposed to infinite creativity and productivity.” |
How to Apply:
For any inquiries, please contact glip@goodlab.hk.
We hope to have you on our team in this journey of social impact creation!
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness of and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Project Manager to lead our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships with a focus on Youth Empowerment. Read below to find out more about the position.
About The Role–Project Manager
Working within a passionate small team, we are looking for a person who does not only want to sit at a computer all day. The main duties of this role are to manage a portfolio of innovative projects to promote youth empowerment and participation, and incubate new social ventures that will deliver tangible outcomes for our communities in Hong Kong. You will be engaging directly with our partners to design and implement impact-driven programmes targeted at youth from all walks of life and coordinating dialogues between multiple stakeholders in different communities. In addition, there will be opportunities to deliver consulting projects in the social and public sectors–from executing community and policy research to designing innovative and user-centric solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Responsibilities as Project Manager–Our Project Leader
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Project Officer position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness of and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
Your Role as Project Director (Part-Time)
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness of and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for two Project Managers to lead our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships with a focus on Public Sector Innovation and Youth Empowerment respectively. Read below to find out more about the positions.
About The Role – Project Manager (Public Sector Innovation)
As a social consultant at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following—making phone calls to community members, dissecting information gathered from public engagement activities you designed and facilitated, researching new trends and perspectives in social innovation, co-creating actionable solutions with stakeholders to address community issues…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands on in every stage of the projects and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city of Hong Kong and how it can be better designed and run for the people in it.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want a person who is comfortable with managing small teams to plan and deliver consulting projects in the social and public sectors. This person gets to set the tone of how the project team engages with its stakeholders, ranging from youth and elderly to government agencies, as well as organisational partners and collaborators. Most importantly, we need this person to be able to articulate Good Lab’s vision for the project and flex creative muscles to implement it with the aim to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
About The Role – Project Manager (Youth Empowerment)
Working within a passionate small team, we are looking for a person who does not only want to sit at a computer all day. The main duties of this role are to manage a portfolio of innovative social programmes to promote youth empowerment and participation, talent development, and incubate new social ventures that will deliver tangible outcomes for our communities in Hong Kong. You will be engaging directly with our partners to design and implement impact-driven programmes targeted at youth from all walks of life, and coordinate dialogues between multiple stakeholders in different communities. You will also get to inspire and develop young changemakers by arranging bespoke and engaging workshops, seminars and coaching sessions to build their capacities as caring, community-centred individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, there will be opportunities to engage with and advise early-stage social start-ups, help them navigate their growth paths, and support their innovation journeys.
Your Role as Project Manager – Our Project Leader
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Project Officer position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration.
As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness of and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Project Officer to support our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships.
About The Role
As a social consultant at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following—making phone calls to community members, dissecting information gathered from public engagement activities you designed and facilitated, researching new trends and perspectives in social innovation, co-creating actionable solutions with stakeholders to address community issues…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands on in every stage of the projects and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city of Hong Kong and how it can be better designed and run for the people in it.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want a person who is comfortable with working within small teams to drive the delivery of consulting projects in the social and public sectors. This person gets to manage and engage with stakeholders, ranging from community members to design professionals, as well as partner organisations and collaborators. Most importantly, we need this person to be a changemaker with a collaborative mindset who is always willing to flex the creative muscles to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Responsibilities as Project Officer—Our Social Consultant
Candidates with more than five (5) years of relevant experience may be considered for a Project Manager position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a leading non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration. As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation. Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Communications Manager / Communications Officer to take on the important role as story-teller of our impact experiences acquired from different social innovation projects.
About The Role
With a broad range of projects and partnerships in our portfolio, we need a bright mind to help us manage and form a clear, consistent narrative to let people understand what we do at Good Lab and communicate our vision. The Communications Manager needs to work directly with the CEO and establish a unique brand strategy for Good Lab and manage the right actions—from social media management to multi-media production and event curation, in order to get our impact messages across and connect with the target audience. They can be young people just coming out of schools, or businesses looking for impact-making opportunities—it is all very versatile. Building an impact network with external partners and collaborators is also a key function of the role, as the Communications Manager would essentially be sowing the seeds for Good Lab’s longer-term partnerships and even alliances.
Your Responsibilities as Communications Manager / Communications Officer — Our Experienced Story-teller
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Communications Officer position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a leading non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration. As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are looking for an Accounting & Finance Manager (Part-time) to manage our financial procedures, perform management and financial accounting, and execute financial controls to ensure efficiency and integrity of our accounting and finance functions.
Your Role as Accounting & Finance Manager
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a leading non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration. As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation. Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Communications Officer to take on the important role as story-teller of our impact experiences acquired from different social innovation projects.
About The Role
With a broad range of projects and partnerships in our portfolio, we need a bright mind to help us form a clear, consistent narrative to let people understand what we do at Good Lab and communicate our vision. The Communications Officer needs to help establish a unique brand strategy for our projects and plan the right actions, from social media management to multi-media production and event curation, in order to get our impact messages across and connect with the target audience. They can be young people just coming out of schools, or businesses looking for impact-making opportunities—it is all very versatile. Liaison with project partners and collaborators is also a key function of the role, as the Communications Officer would essentially be sowing the seeds for Good Lab’s longer-term partnerships and even alliances.
Your Responsibilities as Communications Officer—Our Impact Story-teller
Candidates with more than five (5) years of relevant experience may be considered for a Communications Manager position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a leading non-profit social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong dedicated to inspiring and fostering positive social change through human-centred design and cross-sector collaboration. As a think-and-do tank, our mission is to connect different minds and actions to bring innovative ideas to life. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of community design, youth empowerment, civic participation, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation. Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, Government, and businesses to facilitate innovative co-creation leveraging Design Thinking. Putting people first and facilitating dialogues are the DNA of our work, as we believe this is the answer to co-creating a more sustainable and better tomorrow.
We are now looking for a Communications Manager to take on the important role as story-teller of our impact experiences acquired from different social innovation projects.
About The Role
With a broad range of projects and partnerships in our portfolio, we need a bright mind to help us manage and form a clear, consistent narrative to let people understand what we do at Good Lab and communicate our vision. The Communications Manager needs to work directly with the CEO and establish a unique brand strategy for Good Lab and manage the right actions—from social media management to multi-media production and event curation, in order to get our impact messages across and connect with the target audience. They can be young people just coming out of schools, or businesses looking for impact-making opportunities—it is all very versatile. Building an impact network with external partners and collaborators is also a key function of the role, as the Communications Manager would essentially be sowing the seeds for Good Lab’s longer-term partnerships and even alliances.
Your Responsibilities as Communications Manager—Our Experienced Story-teller
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Communications Officer position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
Henry 富有同理心和創意,致力為社會帶來正面改變。他相信跨界的協作是解決複雜社會問題的關鍵,而每個人的意見和參與都不可或缺。Henry渴望與團隊透過社會創新, 打破一些社會的僵局,找出解決方案,共建一個更加宜居的城市。
加入Good Lab前,Henry曾擔任數碼營銷人員。此外,他還是一名攝影師。他於2018年曾獲得國家地理會德豐青年攝影大賽大獎。在公餘時間,Henry喜歡帶上相機漫步街頭,探索香港。
天明畢業於香港大學藝術學系,哲學碩士論文發表關於香港九十年代當代舞發展歷史的研究。他自2006年起積極參與舞蹈創作策劃,曾任職城市當代舞蹈團,協調CCDC舞蹈中心的成立,亦曾參與舞團教育及外展、宣傳及推廣的工作。天明與李智偉、何德貞共同推行的香港藝術發展局的計劃 ──《六翻自己》,和六位舞蹈家張學良、許俊傑、郭曉靈、梁芷茵、黃靜婷及王丹琦合作,計劃獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發2011年舞蹈年獎(最值得表揚舞蹈教育、社區舞蹈、學術及服務)。
Bryan 是一個充滿活力和觀察力的年輕人,他一直致力探索能夠通過社會創新,解決香港棘手問題的新方法。
Bryan 擁有 University of Portsmouth 運動科學學士學位。加入Good Lab之前,Bryan 曾經為一個由香港上市公司支持的創造共享價值(CSV)項目工作。在那裡,他通過設計思維為香港退役運動員實施初創企業孵化、工作配對以及為他們創造可持續的「新」職業生涯。
除了以上的職場發展以外,Bryan 還是前香港游泳代表。他對運動充滿熱愛,現時仍然會定期進行多項的運動訓練。他非常樂意與團隊分享運動及飲食建議。
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a leading social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong. We are a think-and-do-tank and focus on the social and public sectors – with a mission to bring different minds and actions together for change. Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, government, and businesses to foster cross-sector collaboration and facilitate co-creation through design thinking. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of youth empowerment, social and community design, civic engagement, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
We are now looking for a Project Officer to support our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships.
About Project Officer
As a social consultant at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following – making phone calls to community members, dissecting information gathered from public engagement activities you designed and facilitated, researching new trends and perspectives in social innovation, co-creating actionable solutions with stakeholders to address community issues…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands-on in every stage of the projects and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city of Hong Kong and how it can be better designed and run for the people in it.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want a person who is comfortable with working within small teams to drive the delivery of consulting projects in the social and public sectors. This person gets to manage and engage with stakeholders, ranging from community members to design professionals, as well as organisational partners. Most importantly, we need this person to be a changemaker with a collaborative mindset who is always willing to flex the creative muscles to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Role as Project Officer – Our Social Consultant
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Project Assistant position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
Good Lab 好單位是一個規模較小而充滿活力的團隊,您將會和我們的成員緊密合作。我們的培訓計劃旨在鼓勵、培育和裝備各行各業的領袖,令他們掌握所需技巧和方向,務求在所屬機構和社會上,發揮正面的影響力。您將會參與各種富有挑戰性的項目,以公營或私營機構的合作夥伴為對象,度身打造參與式的培訓工作坊,並策劃及推動社會各界持份者之間的對話,促進各方意見交流。您將會投入參與整個歷程:由構思提案、策劃培訓計劃,與客戶磋商,到實際推行活動。您將會對香港複雜的社會問題,有更多角度和全面的理解,並透過策動體驗式活動,一起建構解決方案。
一位團隊成員表示:「加入Good Lab 好單位,才短短兩個月,我已經學到很多,比上一份工作待了一整年還要充實。」
William 於俄勒岡大學修讀歷史、地理及人類學文學士,及後於香港中文大學取得地理信息科學理學碩士。跨學科的學術背景讓他從不同的視覺「閱讀」一個地方,過程中他了解到人與人之間互動的重要。William 相信城市空間和人的連結原是一脈相連,要令一個地方吸引,先要建立社區裡人與人之間的互動關係,才是最重要的原則。
加入 Good Lab 好單位之前,William 遊走不同的領域,先後在大學與學生一起走入社區進行研究、
Charmaine為香港中文大學社會科學學士,修讀社會工作。大學時期曾到荷蘭萊頓大學(Leiden University)修讀國際關係、兒童權利和博物館研究,開拓她對社會的想像。作為電影和展覽愛好者,在電影節和文化展演場地不難發現她的身影。熱情和開朗的她希望打破社會隔閡,令多元的聲音都被聽見,讓每個人能從中得到啟發,亦可以此啟發他人。
在加入Good Lab好單位前,
Good Lab Internship Programme (GLIP) is 8 weeks of immersive learning experience and exposure to social innovation. We are looking for enthusiastic spirits with interest in supporting our social consulting projects, communications, and research development.
Role Description - Consulting Intern
Good Lab is looking for a Consulting Intern to be an integral part of our project teams to:
What We Offer:
Programme Details:
Hear More from Our Past Interns:
Click here for more stories from our past interns!
How to Apply:
For any inquiries, please contact hr@goodlab.hk.
Good Lab Internship Programme (GLIP) is 8 weeks of immersive learning experience and exposure to social innovation. We are looking for enthusiastic spirits with interest in supporting our social consulting projects, communications, and research development.
Role Description - Communications Intern
Good Lab is looking for a Communications Intern to be an integral part of our communications team to:
What We Offer:
Programme Details:
Hear More from Our Past Interns:
Click here for more stories from our past interns!
How to Apply:
For any inquiries, please contact hr@goodlab.hk.
在加入Good Lab之前,她曾先後投身多個社區可持續發展及文化項目,深入鄰里,結交街坊,出版刊物訴說社區故事,舉辦地區文化創意活動,倡議參與式規劃。她涉足的議題包括社區歷史及文化保育、都市更新、社區規劃、社會共融、環保減廢等。她亦曾從事公眾諮詢顧問工作,籌辦公眾參與活動,就多個公共設施發展計劃及公共政策收集及分析公眾意見。
Christy希望營造更好的社會,本著這個理念,她從工作多年的企業傳訊界,投身到社會創新領域。她與Good Lab 好單位一起探索社會創新的可能性,先後參與多個公共服務創新的重點項目,注入創新思維,實踐嶄新的公眾和持份者參與項目。
Monique 的願景是通過資訊科技、尊重和同理心讓世界變得更強大和有可持續的運作。
Monique 作為屢獲殊榮的英國註冊專業管理顧問,曾於公共部門和企業服務,於商業策略、網絡安全、數據和數碼轉型方面均擁有豐富的經驗。她領導環球企業孵化計劃去開發新的收入流,並鼓勵和協助員工成為自己專業範疇的領袖。
來自科學背景的 Monique 深明以科學方式解決問題的價值。她是設計敏捷方法 (Design Sprint) 和設計思維的實踐者。她喜歡挑戰自己的思維和領導方式。她擅長為不同公司的團隊和領導層引入嶄新的工作方式和工具。
自入讀倫敦帝國理工學院 (Imperial College London) 以來,Monique 至今一直擔任各種項目的導師,致力為有意投身 STEM (科學、科技、工程、數學),職業轉型者和青年企業家提供諮詢支援。
工作以外,Monique 熱衷不同的水上活動和遠足,同時積極發展專業社群。正在攻讀工商管理碩士的她近年更成立 BA Slash (BA/)平台,連結不同機構,分享高質素的市場趨勢和見解。 Monique 更聯合創辦 LADL(Learn And Discuss,Loop!)手機應用程式,推動辯論學習和批判性思維普及化,為社會帶來更具建設性的討論。
Rachel 喜愛尋找觀看事物的新角度,她的職業生涯橫跨公共、商業和社會三大領域。她曾擔任跨國公司和國際非政府組織的策略和可持續發展顧問,亦曾於上市公司擔任企業社會責任及可持續發展高級經理。另外,她共同創辦了賽馬會創不同社會創新實驗室,為香港首個民間發起的公營服務創新計畫,連結市民與政府,運用設計思維設計用家為本的城市。
Rachel 擁有香港大學哲學學士學位和比較文學碩士學位。工作以外,你會見到她在瑜伽墊上、陶輪邊或在海上逆風航行。
Ling 畢業於香港城市大學的公共政策與政治學系,在學期間,她發現社會的問題一直演化,但解決的方案卻未能追上腳步,大多以「由上而下」的模式去應對,然而卻未能確切回應社會的需要。
同時,Ling 認為香港本土其實還有很多有待發掘的地方及特色,因此她亦喜歡在閒暇的時間參與不同的本地文化導賞團,在香港各處走走,了解自己成長的這片土地。如果你曾參與過一些有趣的文化導賞團,不妨推介給她!
Christy堅信故事是公民參與的重要一部分。 對她而言,文字的影響力並不限於個人,更是連結社會大眾,就共同利益採取實質行動、推動社會進步的載體。
這信念亦令Christy熱衷參與義務社會研究工作,特別是可持續城市規劃和環境政策這兩大議題。透過這些經驗,她意識到自己希望進一步提高她在社區參與過程中的興趣和經驗,這也成為她加入 Good Lab 的契機。
工作以外,Christy 也熱愛戶外活動,特別是遠足和沖浪,而她最近的興趣則是空中藝術!
Christy畢業於香港中文大學,獲得英語學士學位。 她曾於瑞典交流一年,專研歷史和文化研究。
Good Lab Internship Programme (GLIP) is 8 weeks of immersive learning experience and exposure to social innovation. We are looking for enthusiastic spirits with interest in supporting our social consulting projects, communications, and research development.
Role Description -Research Intern
Good Lab is looking for a Research Intern to be an integral part of our research team to:
What We Offer:
Programme Details:
Hear More from Our Past Interns:
Click here for more stories from our past interns!
How to Apply:
For any inquiries, please contact hr@goodlab.hk.
身為跨界別文化倡議者,甘甘在不同的領域累積知識、營造社區網絡,並連結不同社群——曾擔任Good Lab 好單位項目總監(賽馬會青創社區系列)、不同大學的性別/文化研究講師、「香港電台」節目主持、編輯 、藝術行政幹事和灣仔區議員,現為「香港兒童音樂劇團」董事。
About Good Lab
Good Lab is a leading social innovation consultancy in Hong Kong. We are a think-and-do-tank and focus on the social and public sectors – with a mission to bring different minds and actions together for change. Since 2012, we have been working at the intersection of civil society, NGOs, government, and businesses to foster cross-sector collaboration and facilitate co-creation through design thinking. We design and implement social innovation projects and training programmes to raise awareness and tackle some of the most complex social issues faced by our society nowadays, particularly in the areas of youth empowerment, social and community design, civic engagement, service innovation, environmental sustainability, and social venture incubation.
We are now looking for a Senior Project Manager to strategise and lead our growing and exciting array of new projects and partnerships.
About Senior Project Manager
As a social consultant at Good Lab, your typical day can involve the following – making phone calls to community members, dissecting information gathered from public engagement activities you designed and facilitated, researching new trends and perspectives in social innovation, co-creating actionable solutions with stakeholders to address community issues…most probably not sequentially but simultaneously. But that also means you will have the opportunities to get very hands-on in every stage of the projects and that work is rarely boring. Every day here, we as changemakers, learn a little something new about our city of Hong Kong and how it can be better designed and run for the people in it.
We are now looking for someone who already looked up the definition of social innovation and is keen to experiment it here in Hong Kong. Specifically, we want a person who is comfortable with managing small teams to plan and deliver consulting projects in the social and public sectors. This person gets to set the tone of how the project team engages with its stakeholders, ranging from youth and elderly to government agencies, as well as organisational partners. Most importantly, we need this person to be able to articulate Good Lab’s vision for the project and flex creative muscles to implement it with the aim to design innovative, user-centred, and grounded solutions in response to the needs of communities and people.
Your Role as Senior Project Manager – Our Project Leader
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Project Manager position.
To Applicants: please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
We are looking for a Project Manager to manage an exciting array of training programmes. The Project Manager (Training) will be working with our Director of Training to design, coordinate and deliver training to a wide spectrum of partners.
Working within a small team, the goals of all our training programmes are to encourage, educate and equip leaders in their respective sectors with tools and processes to create positive change in their organisations and the society at large. You’ll be exposed to a variety of challenging opportunities, arranging bespoke and engaging workshops for private and public sector clients and coordinating insightful dialogues between multiple stakeholders in different communities. This position will allow you to be engaged in the whole process, from developing the proposal, designing the training programme, liaising with the client and then executing it in the field. You’ll get a multifaceted understanding of the complex social issues in Hong Kong and attempt to curate experiences that will create solutions for them.
‘I learned more in my first two months at the Good Lab than I did for a whole year in my last job.’ — quote from a team member.
Work You’ll Do:
Your Role as a Training Manager:
Candidates with less experience may be considered for a Project Officer (Training) position. Interested applicants please send your Cover Letter and Resume with current and expected salary to hr@goodlab.hk. Application with missing information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only and personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after 12 months.
Hedda began her social impact journey as a volunteer in Sweden tutoring refugee students. Through hearing these young people’s stories of leaving home to seek safety in a foreign country, she learnt that regardless of the different backgrounds we come from, what we’re seeking is the same. Such also, is the beauty of social innovation – although the problems each society faces may be similar, there is a spectrum of possibilities in how we tackle them when we work with different people to co-create solutions. After working in the asylum seeker space for six years, Hedda journeyed on to explore other ways of looking at societal challenges and is currently coordinating the design thinking training program at Good Lab. When she’s not building PowerPoint decks, she’ll be pretending to be a hipster at the local café or trying to convince friends to binge watch a Scandinavian detective series.
Hedda holds a BA (Linguistics) from The University of Melbourne and is currently studying a Masters in Social Impact.
在Good Lab之外,她亦於教會擔任導師,與小朋友一同成長。由此激發她不斷探索新方法,陪同他們理解自己,進而構築社區網絡,相信假以時日他們定必能為香港帶來真正的改變、影響。
Stephany畢業於香港大學文學院,主修歷史和比較文學,其後於非牟利組織發展職志。加入 Good Lab好單位之前,她在有關教育和設計推廣的非牟利團體工作。
Lydia的職業生涯是一趟充滿挑戰、瞬息萬變的旅程。加入Good Lab 好單位之前,她曾在一所媒體新聞部工作了兩年,擔任記者及電視節目監制,參與製作聚焦時事的專題報導,包括民間閒置空間的運用、有特殊學習需要的低收入家庭兒童等。她畢業後的首份工作是在政府擔任公職人員,初涉公共行政。
Lydia 為香港大學新聞學學士,主修新聞學及政治與公共行政學。
Etienne, with her training in History at Lingnan University, regards innovation as crucial in all time – as we witness the failure of the old fashioned and the success of the innovators throughout the course of history. She believes social innovation can transform the society with a positive impact through collaborations and dialogues in the communities, and everyone can take initiatives to be a changemaker while influencing each other. She is also concerned about a range of social problems, particularly human rights and environmental issues.
Before joining Good Lab, Etienne developed her career in the non-profit sector of Hong Kong and had spent two years working at a retail business in London. She enjoys travelling, going to the theatre and gym for leisure.
Duncan 畢業於香港大學社會學系。大學給予他鍛練批判思考的空間。面對時下的社會問題,他從不滿足於「維持現狀」或「人云亦云」的解決方法,務求另闢蹊徑,探索更多可能的出路。
加入Good Lab 好單位之前,Duncan是一位著重實證的研究員,透過數據及大眾的意見分析不同社會議題,以實證描繪社會的現狀。而未來,他旨於秉承實證為本的精神,為社會尋找並提供更具創見、用家為本的解決方案。
加入Good Lab 好單位之前,Alexa在一個本地慈善組織工作,多次為小學及社區中心籌辦大型的讀寫支援計畫,協助出身低收入家庭的逾1,200名學生提升讀寫能力。
在工作以外,你可能會在圖書館、咖啡店或行山徑碰見Alexa。她為東安格利亞大學(University of East Anglia)經濟理學士、倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science)發展管理理學碩士。
她為列斯大學(University of Leeds)傳訊及平面設計藝術榮譽學士,深受本科啟發,培養出獨特視角,讓她在各個領域上,均能深入社會的文化肌理,活用創意思維。
自從2017年加入Good Lab 好單位,Warren先後策動多個社會和公共領域創新項目,透過籌劃一系列公眾參與式活動,與社區人士及持份者共創以用家為本的解難方案。Warren積極推動民間組織、非牟利團體和政府部門之間的協作,促成三方嶄新的合作關係,活用設計思維,構思和實踐創新。此外,Warren領導了多個初創企業孵化計畫,在大學和社區推廣創變思維,啟發年輕的changemakers並提供培訓。
加入Good Lab 好單位之前,Warren曾在英國、美國以及亞洲不同地區任職管理諮詢顧問,擁有豐富的國際和商業經驗。他擁有倫敦大學學院(UCL)經濟學學士學位,為LUMA Institute認可的「以人為本」設計從業專員及國際認證的項目管理專業人員(PMP)。
Kelvin為加拿大皇后大學(Queen’s University)歷史榮譽學士、倫敦大學亞非學院(SOAS, University of London)國際發展理學碩士。然而,他坦言大部分知識都是「邊做邊學」得來。他擁有資深的公開演講和培訓經驗,更是室內單車教練,十五年來大力提倡這項運動。Kelvin一直在國際間提倡眾多議題,包括青年發展、創新及社會企業,現時為香港多間非牟利組織擔任顧問。
黃英琦女士(Ada)身兼律師、教育家、社會創新和公民社會領袖。多年以來,Ada 一直積極提倡社會創新、創意教育和文化發展。
Ada 是香港當代文化中心的創辦者,中心為一所獨立的非牟利文化機構,旨在推動教育創新,營造創意公民社會,曾策動多個計劃項目,當中包括2006年創辦的香港兆基創意書院,為一所具前瞻性的高中,致力培育創意和藝術人才。
2010年,Ada 成立 Make A Difference,作為一個地區性協作平台,提倡運用創意帶動正面的社會改變,凝聚跨界別的 changemakers,通過多方協作,共構創新方案,回應社會挑戰。2012年,Ada 創立 Good Lab 好單位,提倡知行合一、創新實踐,活絡社會創新的生態系統,同時致力培育跨界人才。Good Lab 好單位現時轉型為社會創新顧問,期望共建創新方案,建構以社區為本、實踐公義精神的香港社會。
自2016年,Ada 應南韓首爾前市長朴元淳邀請,聯同世界各地的社創領袖,一同擔任「首爾創新諮詢委員會」的成員。
1995至2008年期間,Ada 曾任民選市政局議員、灣仔區議員,於2004至2008年擔任灣仔區議會主席。過去二十年,在 Ada 的倡導下,多間重要的藝術教育機構和社會企業相繼成立和發展起來。Ada 亦為「香港兒童音樂劇團」創辦人、「社企民間高峰會」副召集人、「大銀力量」和「社職」董事會成員,以及「黑暗中對話」(香港)創始成員之一。Ada 持續推動教育創新,擔任「教育燃新」董事會成員,主力設計和推動《賽馬會教師社工創新力量》,計劃承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,由「教育燃新」策劃並擔任合作夥伴。
她是美國加州波莫納學院(Pomona College)榮譽文學士、香港大學教育碩士,並獲香港浸會大學、嶺南大學及香港教育大學頒授榮譽院士。
Francis 既是企業家,也是慈善家。Francis 擔任「香港社會創投基金」的創辦人及行政總裁,旨在推動香港社會創新的發展,並締造社會效益。他亦是 Green Monday、全城街馬和遊樂道無窮天地等社企的聯合創辦人,同時為亞洲公益創投協會的董事局成員。此外,他擔任客席大學講師,教授社會創業和創新科目。Francis 致力推廣社會創新,活躍於不同的平台,包括 TEDxYouth@HongKong、哈佛大學香港校友會、美國國際發展署、社企民間高峰會、Asia Future Enterprise Forum 和英國貿易投資總署。
Francis 有志推動社會創新,貢獻屢獲認可,先後榮獲2011年度香港十大傑出青年、2012年度世界經濟論壇全球青年領袖及2014年度《亞洲目標性經濟100名》。
Patrick 從不迴避生活中的挑戰,樂於應付一些看似難以解決的社會問題,並推動正面的社會影響。自從將軟包裝材料公司的業務出售,Patrick 投身社會企業,致力回應社會上弱勢社群的需要,展開人生的新一章。2009年,他將世界知名的「黑暗中對話」引入香港,善用社會創新的變革力量。黑暗中對話(香港)獲得前所未有的成功,在無需依賴捐款和政府資助的情況下,實現了財政的可持續性。2011年,他創辦「滴水基金會」,推動長者服務的社會創新。2012年,他又成立社企「尊賢會」,旨在以可持續的商業模式,發展安老計劃。此外,Patrick 為香港社會創業論壇的其中一位創會董事,致力打造香港的社創平台。
Patrick 閒時喜歡閱讀、與人互動,並有志培育年輕人才。
KK 曾為資深的高層管理人員。退休後,他投身社會創新的領域,很快便成為知名的社創領袖。2012年,KK 創辦「仁人學社」,致力改善社會,希望「啟發每一個人成為創變者,推動各界企業成為社會企業」。仁人學社旨在推廣社會創業和社會創新,為各界人才提供培訓計劃及支援。KK 亦為黑暗中對話(香港)的聯合創辦人。KK 躬行實踐,證明社會企業可以商業模式營運,無需依賴資助,而取得成功。
此外,KK 熱衷著作和出版,分享從事社創事業的歷程,以及資深的企業管理經驗,著作包括《新愚公移山:十個社會企業創業者的故事》(2007)、《社會企業妙點子》(2008)和《公益創業: 青年創業與中年轉業的新選擇》(2009)。他於2007年6月創辦雙週電子刊物《Social Entrepreneurs Newsletter》,並擔任主編。
在繁忙的日程中,KK 會定期打高爾夫球和網球,保持身心健康。他閒時會到紐西蘭度假,泛舟湖上,寄情山水。他相信平和的心境有助保持思維清晰。
Innovation is the reconciliation of opposing forces. In a city full of dilemmas, Vincent believes social innovation is the only way out, and “solution journalism” is what he is passionately advocating for.
He founded Solution-On-Wheels, a social enterprise promoting solution journalism in Asia, to explore and analyse solutions in the news to solve complex, often intractable, social issues. He aspires to create a positive mindset shift for news professionals – to present social issues through a “solution frame” rather than a “problem frame”, focusing on the practical and human elements of social innovation to allow some of the most divisive views to co-exist in harmony, facilitating constructive dialogues in the community.
Vincent has been trained to think creatively and critically ever since he was young, and he is dedicated to galvanising public, corporate and non-profit partners with the spirit of social innovation. He started his career at Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, and joined the HKSAR Government until 2000. As Administrative Officer, he worked on issues around town planning and social welfare, and had a deep understanding of contending interests across sectors.
Vincent was the Director of Strategic Planning at Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company. He is currently hosting the radio programme “Our Way Out” on Commercial Radio One and television programme “Open Mind” on Open TV. His book, Macro-creativity, was recognised as “Hong Kong Good Book” in 2005, followed by the launch of The Transformation of Hong Kong in 2012. Vincent received his MBA from the University of Cambridge and an LL.B. from the University of London.
Erwin 有志培育年青人的創業家精神,並積極尋求變革。現任香港科技大學副教授和高級顧問的 Erwin,熱衷教導年輕人如何實踐創新。他亦為青年成就香港部副主席,致力培育新一代的創業家。此外,Erwin 也是「DreamStarter啟夢者計劃」的創辦人之一,DreamStarter 是一個社會創新教育項目,旨在為年輕人提供課外體驗,啟發學生一步步實踐夢想。通過這個平台,Erwin 希望激發學生積極樂觀的態度和樂於助人的精神,透過網上眾籌和共享資源,回饋社會。
Erwin 富好奇心且活力充沛,除了工作上力求創新,亦熱衷探索鮮為人知的好去處、嶄新的商業模式,以及刷新用家體驗的電子產品。作為虛擬實境有限公司顧問團主席,他致力在各學校推廣虛擬實境教學。為了扶貧紓困,他成立了「加油香港」,旨在為基層人士提供廉價而優質的日用品。Erwin 同時活躍於慈善界,作為社職有限公司主席,致力志願服務創新,以回應社會迫切的需要,鼓勵公眾利用資訊技術參與社會事業。同時,Erwin 亦擔任業界多間機構的董事和政府轄下諮詢委員會成員。
徐苑思女士(Elsie)擁有豐富的企業行政和管理諮詢經驗。她曾任職於 ?What If! Innovation Company(現為埃森哲旗下公司)設於上海的亞洲辦公室。Elsie 致力於創新管理、通過設計思維培育創新人才,以及策劃企業創新,曾經為歐洲和亞洲獲《財富》選為全球500強的企業領袖,舉辦多場培訓工作坊,成效顯著。她亦曾為香港及中國內地的企業夥伴和非牟利機構,策劃設計思維培訓課程。
任職 ?What If! 期間,Elsie 受到倫敦辦公室同事從事公益工作的啟發,包括應用設計思維來創造嶄新的方案,解決非洲女性割禮問題。Elsie 發現,社會創新可以脫離舊有的社會福利運作模式,發揮更大的影響力。為了進一步認識社會企業和社會創新,Elsie 決定修讀相關學科的博士學位。
Elsie 投身諮詢顧問行業之前,曾擔任可口可樂中國公共事務及傳訊部副主管。由於熱衷教學,Elsie 現時任教於香港中文大學商學院,教授課程包括策略管理、社會創業學與創效投資、設計思維和企業社會責任。同時,她還開辦創企加速器計劃,致力培育香港年輕一代的社會企業家。
Elsie 獲得英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)賈吉商學院 的 MBA 學位,以及法國格勒諾布爾管理學院(Grenoble School of Management)的博士學位。Elsie 有一半泰裔血統,她的童年在不同的國家度過,擁有豐富的跨文化經驗,曾任職上海、倫敦,以及在雅典短暫工作居留。Elsie 愛好音樂,一度是搖滾樂隊的鼓手。此外,她也愛聽 podcast,尤其是真人真事改編的犯罪故事,更與一班業餘愛好者組成「偵探」小組,探討發人深省(有時甚至令人毛骨悚然)的話題。
「如果科技繼續按照現時的方向發展,忽視窮人的需要,助長富人的利益,窮人遲早會起來推翻科技的霸權,轉投非理性和暴力的手段,以改弦易轍。」科學家和思想家弗里曼‧戴森(Freeman Dyson)在1997年寫下這個洞見。Kim 對戴森的話有很深的體會,尤其喚起他在英、美的成長經驗,以及其後在香港長達40年的生活和工作生涯所帶來的省思。戴森的話更是一個叩問:我們能否引領科技的潮流,導向改善市民生活的方向發展,為我們的社會帶來希望?答案在於創新。創新不是指技術層面,而是社會各界攜手合作的方式。在這個問題上,Kim 最喜愛的作家戴森帶來啟廸:「在各行各業中,業餘愛好者享有更多實驗和創新的自由。業餘愛好者所佔的人口比例,正好標誌著社會的自由度」。由此,我們不需要專業的社會創新者,因為每個人都可以成為社創人才。
在英國的歲月,Kim 曾經做過酒保、造船工人、工廠工人、倉務員和考古學家。1980年來港,擔任公務員長達 37 年,在公職生涯中,曾任職效率促進辦公室,並協助成立社會創新及創業發展基金。退休後,Kim 持續關注城市和社會議題,以及各界組織如何分享知識,聆聽社會需要,不斷學習改進。他好讀不倦,愛好歷史研究和偵探小說,閒時喜歡為他收藏的迷你玩具士兵上色。